Help to attract, retain, and grow AI talent for MA companies, startups, schools, cities, non-profits

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What is this initiative? 

  • The goal of AI Blueprint for MA is to coordinate and implement practical efforts to attract, retain and grow AI talent for MA.   We are "doers"; i.e. our volunteer teams of 2-3 people  "pick up a shovel" and execute a small task each month.  This effort supports that State of MA AI Task Force and is a volunteer organization. We have monthly Zoom calls, open to the public with recordings here. 

Who is behind this? 

  • Paul Baier at GAI Insights and others are managing this part-time,  100% volunteer effort.    We are "doers" and we welcome other like minded in volunteers.   We have monthly “get organized”  Zoom calls (the first Friday of each month) and treat each month like an "engineering sprint" top get a small set of tasks completed.   View list of meeting attendees here